A Birder's Paradise!!! Invercargill, Bluff and Rakiura/Stewart Island Pt 2

17 NEW SPECIES! 10/11/23 I woke up to the sound of Tui's calling by the cabin. Today was going to be a big birding day: I could feel it in my bones. Before I arrived to the island, I had signed up for the Paterson Inlet Tour. Unfortunately, I was the only one and there was a minimum of four people for the tour to run. Did I spend a good 20 minutes advertising the Paterson Inlet Tour by Rakiura Charters for free? Yes I did. Did I get to go on the tour because of it? That's showbiz baby. At 8:30 am, I began my jaunt from Deep Bay to the Halfmoon Bay Wharf and waited for the tour to start. Somehow the cruise had filled up to the maximum allowed and I was prepared for a good 3 hours of birding fun! Here is the first wildlife viewing area we arrived at! Rakiura Charters brought us the cruise of a lifetime highlighting bird life, wildlife, the history of the hunting and whaling industry, Maori relationships with early European settlers, and the salmon and mussel farms off the coast ...