Rainy Days are for Planting!

Living The Kiwi Life 25/09/23 Howdy folks! I have officially been in New Zealand for two weeks! This kind of feels like a big deal? While I have loved being here, it really set in how truly FAR I am from home this past week. There's a lot to take in (good, new, and intriguing) but I have been missing my people. So, to those of you reading this and following along on this journey thank you. It really does make me feel more connected! Despite the bits of homesickness, I am breaking out of my little bubble and went to a volunteer planting event for World Rivers Day! While the temperature in Christchurch has be fluctuating drastically these last few days, it didn't stop us New Zealand Conservation Volunteers from planting Carex plants at Amelia Rogers Reserve! The Student Volunteer Army also participated in this event, so I got the opportunity to meet some folks around my age. Here's a sweet photo of me in a highlighter vest and some planting photos. Oh, and I got my 25th ...