Caprisun in Fiji and Missed Connections

  Flights Are Not My Friend 

Yesterday 12/09/23

From the Auckland International Airport (in which I have been for a total of 6 hours)…

I have never been so close to missing a flight as I was two days ago in the LAX airport. My flight was from LAX to Fiji, and I was blissfully unprepared for the hellscape that is international travel. For starters, my bag was not 30 kg. Grandma and Grandpa did comment that the bag *might* be a bit overweight when we loaded the truck, but I didn't think it was actually that heavy. It was that heavy. 

As I unpacked my suitcase on the airport floor, I had to leave behind some books, my sleeping bag and a few other heavy-ish items. Thankfully, the Fiji airline lady had mercy on me and let me stash my ramekins and tart pans into my carry-on. As I hustled to TSA, I began to feel a bit of concern. Would I actually make my flight??

TSA was a nightmare. I witnessed an Australian couple (who was also on my flight) exclaim "OH NAUR" which relieved some of my stress but the line continued to move at a snails pace. By 1115 I finally made it out of TSA. My flight was at 1155. I had to HUSTLE. Greeted with a sign that said Terminal B: 20 minute walk :) , I lugged my overweight carry-ons over my shoulder and ran. Considering I had ~20 kg on my back, my running was about as fast as the TSA line. It didn't last long. Fighting back beads of a sweat, I stripped off my jacket and walked as fast as I could to the gate. Slow and steady wins the race.


 I heard my name on the intercom as I speedwalked past gate 199. 200, 201, 202. A cart zoomed past me taking another passenger on my same flight to the gate. I gave them bombastic side eye while I gasped for air. 205. 206. Finally.

The kind check in lady from earlier welcomed me aboard. You made it, she said. I did make it. Thank *insert choice word here* God.

The 10.5 hours to Fiji were a breeze. They served me a delicious Thai peanut noodle dinner with fruit and potato bread. Exhausted from my unplanned crossfit-style run across the terminal, I passed out. Before I knew it, we had landed in Fiji at 5am local time. 

I have never personally been greeted by a ukulele trio at an airport before, but our whole flight was serenaded upon arrival. I quickly made it through customs and then sat down. I was joined by a nice Aussie headed to Brisbane and a kind Samoan women headed to visit her grandchildren. I drank my Caprisun and felt at ease knowing that in less than three hours I would be in the country I have dreamed about for months. 

Boarding to Auckland was a breeze. The flight was a tad delayed but we were on board only 30 minutes after estimated boarding time. They didn't pay me to say this, but Fiji airways is a phenomenal airline. They are so efficient with boarding and are incredibly helpful. I had upgraded my seat the day before for $5 to the front of the plane. I had the whole row to myself and was living in it! They played reggae over the intercom. It was two hours to Auckland so naturally I fell back to asleep.

 Due to the flight delay, I only had an hour and a half until my flight to Christchurch. Before entering the terminal, I had to collect my checked bag, declare any biohazard items and then recheck it domestically. Hiking boots and tent? Insta biohazard. I knew I would have to declare these items before hand but I was both shocked and impressed by how thoroughly they take invasive species and potential biohazard objects. That being said, they totally unpacked my neatly rolled tent. I found myself again on the airport floor, rolling my tent up to fit back in my suitcase. I was running out of time. As I packed my tent at lightning speed, I had a rude awakening that the terminal was another long walk away. I lugged my 30kg checked bag and my 20kg carry-ons outside to find the domestic terminal. I am so happy I got a suitcase with nice wheels (#weloveross). By the time I made it to the JetStar counter, I was 6 minutes too late to check my bag. I had missed my flight. 

The lady looked at me and told me there was another flight at 755pm. It was noon. I paid the $50 NZ change fee and accepted that I would be in Auckland for a little longer. I went to the cute coffee spot near the counter and got a chai. I would be in Christchurch by 9. Surprisingly, it didn't really bother me now that I had my lil foofy (this is for you Sally) tea. I thought back to LAX and thanked my lucky stars I didn't miss that flight.


Update: I made it in Christchurch now and am loving the city! I am in a super cool hostel and went on an apartment tour today! Will post another soon :)

Enjoy this little birb that hung out with me in the airport. Until tomorrow!



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