Onward and Upward!

When in Doubt Bird it Out


Hey y'all! 

It's been a minute since I've written, but just wanted to give a bit of a life update and say I am in fact still alive! Over the last week, I have been busy applying for jobs, building my native plant ID skills, and birding of course! Let's start from Tuesday: 

I woke up bright and early for the volunteer work party in the Port Hills. I had signed up the week prior but had absolutely no idea what I was getting into. Yet, I was pleasantly surprised! It first started with Anne who runs the crew of volunteers. She was kind enough to drive me to the work site out in Governor's Bay. Her house was located in beautiful St. Martins, where I spotted my first sacred kingfisher! 

When we arrived at the work site, I was immediately awestruck. The hike up was sensational and I noted my first bellbird and gray gerygone. I knew I wanted to hike around the Port Hills, but I had no idea we would be hiking up to the work site. Dream come true! We arrived at a large patch of blackberry brambles and got to work clearing the noxious patch. The Summit Road Society (the group I was volunteering with) help maintain the area to keep the Port Hills predator free (trap down below) and maintained. These brambles were causing harm to the native tree species, so we cut out the roots and cleared them for the season. We called it a day around 2 and started the trek back down. Check out our beautiful view and the work we got done! Side note: I was incredibly impressed with the teamwork and volunteers that made it all happen. I was the youngest one there by probably 35 years and I was worn out before everyone else was!

Wednesday and Thursday I applied for jobs like they were going out of style. I also made a pizza from scratch, called my grandma for her bday (EVERYONE WISH HER A HAPPY BDAY) and did a round of laundry. It was nice enough to hang dry my clothes on the line, so I channeled my inner Little House On the Prairie and hung my clothes out to dry. Was this necessary? Absolutely not. Did I enjoy it? Very much so. 

Thursday evening, I got to go to Rollickin Gelato for the first time! Despite the pouring rain (barely saved the freshly hang dried clothes), I had a refreshing chat with my new friend, Jemma. The gelato was delicious and we bonded over boygenius and the ridiculousness of American politics. 10/10.

I didn't do much on Friday except for a little sunset bird walk. That being said, I got an epic pied stilt audio recording and saw two new species: yellowhammer and masked lapwing (below). In addition, two white-faced herons made a majestic appearance AND I got to see a swamp harrier dive bomb some of those vicious silver gulls. I would be lying if I didn't say I was rooting for the harrier to get his dinner. 

Saturday morning, the weather outlook was not great but I wanted to check out the farmers market. I was feeling bold and thought I was braver than the weather. I was wrong. I had intended to spend more time at the Christchurch Farmers Market but found myself only buying tomatoes and pears and then leaving. Here's a fun snippet of me being hailed on. 

In an effort to redeem my failed farmers market attempt, I went to the shabby chic market in Woolston today. It was such a cute event full of local vintage goodies and treats. Round trip, I went about 6 miles on my bike and came across bird #34, an Australasian swamphen! Feeling inspired by my bike ride, I cuddled up with my book and made an American classic: a grilled cheese. 

What's next?? 

Well, I have been applying for jobs but my cool bird skills have not taken any employers by interest. So instead of waiting around... I'm planning my trip to Wellington! I found a great Jetstar flight/reasonable accommodation and am landing there the 7th of October! I will be there for a few days and can't wait to check out "windy Wellington"!  

Thanks for reading and please comment any fun updates! I miss you all!


  1. So Happy for you..love the Blog

  2. Your pictures and writing are seriously on point. Great pictures, fantastic storytelling. This feels like an official travel/birding guide and not you just having fun. I'm enjoying every minute of it :)

    1. Thank you!!! I spend way too much time on them hahahah!

  3. Enjoy your posts so much!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing your adventures in NZ!! It’s a beautiful country. I admire you for moving there and embracing everything it has to offer; it so inspirational. I love the bird photos. The bird life is AMAZING!! Please keep up the blog as time allows!

    1. Awww Vicky!!! Thank you so much! It's been a journey for sure but I'm happy to be here. I will do my best!

  5. Awesomeness thank you for keeping up updated! Love you lots have fun and be careful out there
    ❤️🙌love Auntie


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